BBN3402Satu2019:Minggu 10




Brown & Yule has listed four discourse elements. The element covers the pre-assumptions, implicatic, reference and inference elements. Brown & Yule (1983) also stated that discourse can be analyzed through text, writing, ftation and interaction studies.


Pre-assumptions are pragmatic. These pre-assumptions have been chosen based on the assumption and assumptions that may be received by unresistance listeners.


Implication is a view or potential. The suggestions or meanings/speakers are different from what they say. Implika form of conventional implications. The speaker/author does not tell you that certain images are due to other features.


Speakers negotiate by using the appropriate expression and combines with the form of negotiations shaped. References are something done by someone by using expressions.


Inference shows an effort to conclude. Additionally, inference explains the speech or relationship between the speech. Various assumptions have been produced in several assumptions and conclusions.


The Stubbs Theory (1983) focuses on the linguistic discourse.

1. Discourse linguistic approach

2. Predictability

3. Fonotactics

4. Grammar

5. Intuition about discourse sequences

6. Predictability

7. Predictability and Idealization

8. Control structure meaning

9. Discourse of Canonical and Idealization

10. Analogy

11. Conclusion


Macro Structure
A global meaning of a text that can be observed from the topic/theme of a text

The frame of a text such as the introduction, body, closing and conclusion section

Micro Structure
The local meaning of a text that can be observed
From the word, sentence, and style options use by a text

Diagram 1: Critical Discourse Analysis Theory by vanDjik (1977)

Theory of Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 1995)

Textual analysis

Analysis of Practice discourse
Social practice analysis
·         Theme

·         Metaphor

·         Recurrence
·         Conjunction

·         Pre-assumptions
·         Metadiscourse
·         Disclaimer

·         Narrative
·         Debate
·         Expectation
·         Expressive

Figure 2: Critical Discourse Analysis Theory by Fairclogh (1995)

The principle of Tannen (1987) of the modesty in discourse is as follows:

1. Formal expression ( positif and negative image)

2. Modesty strategy

3. Strategy choices (directness and indirectness)

4. Silent (metamessage)

The Strategy of Decency

Bald on-record                                                                                                Positive decency
Ready!                                                                                              Example: You look good. Can I             
Listen....                                                                                           help?
Give me that big basket.                                                             Can I borrow a hundred dollars?                                                                                            l take you to the hospital, if you                                                                                                    don,t mind                                                                                                
The light is green.                                                                                      
Please come in.                                                                                             

Negative Decency                                                                           Off-record
maybe he took the box,                                                                  Wow, it's getting cold this
maybe!                                                                                               room.                                                                     
Please give me the white plate.                                                    The price of shoes here is really Then a little instruction is not needed?                             expensive.
Throw empty bottles everywhere                                                  Your clothes are pretty.

Figure 3: The Strategy of Decency by Brown & Levinson (1987)

Johnstone (2002) argues that discourse approaches are divided into several parts.

1. Words and lines

2. Paragraphs and episodes

3. The grammar discourse and narrative structure

4. Arrange conversations.

5. Verse organization

6. Cohesion

7. Structures and regulations

Discourse Analysis Approach(Normaliza Abd Rahim,2018b)
1. Intuitive
·         Acceptance / Disclaimer
·        Requirements
·         Reference
·         Anaphora
·         Repetition
·         Blur
·         Confirmation

1. Positive
2. Negative
3. Mixed   emotions
·         The temper
·        Personality
·         Mood
·         Motivation
2. Society
3. Tradition
·         Honest, sincere, kind, compassionate,   diligent, thankful, thoughtful
·         Self-reliance, high self-esteem, courage, physical and mental hygiene, decency
·         Great respect, cooperation, community spirit
·         Justice, freedom, rationality
1. First / second / third language
2. Formal / informal
3. Language error
4. Linguistics
1. Overall summary
2.Summary of topics
3. Closing words

Figure 4: Approach to Discourse Analysis Normaliza Abd Rahim (2018b)

Theory of Discourse Analysis (Normaliza Abd Rahim, 2018d)

1. Grammar
2. Background
1. Opinion

Diagram 5 : Theory of Discourse Analysis

The inspiration for this comes from Bella Radford, a contestant on Masterchef some years back now. It isn’t her recipe, though on my request she did send it to me( which I characteristically and promptly lost) but homemage to it. I’d made a rhubarb ice cream for How to Eat, and just substituted the one fruit for the other. And in turn, if you want to try any other fruit ice creams, you can just use this as a blueprint. Eat as it purely, perfectly is, or turn it into an unfamiliarly elegant ice cream sundae by piling it into a glass and topping with butterscotch sauce, which you make by melting 3 tablespoons of light brown sugar, 2 granulated sugar, scant ¼ cup unsalted butter and ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons light corn syrup in a pan over medium heat. When smooth, turn up the heat and let bubble away for 3-5 minutes. Then, off the heat, stir ½ cup heavy cream. Add some toasted silvered almonds on top for utter perfection.

Inspirasi ini datang daripada Bella Radford yang merupakan peserta di MasterChef beberapa tahun dahulu. Ia bukan resipinya, walaupun saya meminta, dia tetap menghantar itu kepada saya (di mana saya rasa resepi itu akan hilang) tetapi menghargainya. Saya membuat ais krim rubarb untuk bagaimana makan, dan hanya menggantikan satu buah kepada buah-buahan yang lain. Dan seterusnya, jika anda ingin mencuba ais krim buah-buahan yang lain, anda hanya boleh menggunakan ini sebagai satu rangka tindakan. Makan ia dengan begitu sahaja, atau mengubahnya menjadi ais krim yang pelbagai dengan memasukkannya ke dalam bekas kaca dan mencampurkan ia dengan censcotch sos( yang diperbuat daripada mentega,gula perang, sirap dan vanilla), di mana anda membuat dengan meleburkan 3 sudu teh  gula perang, 2 gula pasir, 1/4 cawan mentega tanpa garam dan 1/2 sudu teh besar sirap berperisa jagung dalam kuali atas api yang sederhana. Apabila bahan-bahan tersebut sudah cair, besarkan api dan biarkan gelembung selama 3-5 minit. Kemudian, matikan api, kacau 1/2 cawan sebatan krim berat. Tambah beberapa badam di atasnya untuk menghiasinya.

2   pounds cooking apples                              
  cup granulated sugar
1  cup light cream
3 egg yolks

juice of 1 lemon
1 table spoon Calvados (optional)
   cup plus 2 tablespoons heavy cream

2   paun apel yang sudah masak
  cawan gula pasir
1  cawan sebatan krim ringan
3 telur kuning

satu jus lemon
1 camca sejenis alkohol berperisa epal Calvados (pilihan)
   cawan + 2 sudu teh sebatan krim berat

Peel, core and cut up the apples and put them in a pan with 2 with 2 tablespoons of the sugar and cook till soft. Let cool and puree in blender or food processor then push through a sieve.

      Make the ice cream as usual (see page 223) by heating the light cream, beating the remaining sugar with the yolks,whisking in the warm cream till a custard is formed, then adding the flavorings (lemon juice and Calvados, if using). Let cool.

        Fold in the cold apple puree, whisky the heavy cream till thick but still soft and fold that in, too, and freeze as described on page 223.

Kupas,keluarkan bahagian tengah biji epal dan potong epal kemudian letakkan dalam kuali dengan 2 camca teh gula dan masak sehingga lembut. Biarkan sejuk dalam pengisar atau pemproses makanan kemudian menapis bahan tersebut.

      Membuat krim ais seperti biasa (lihat Page 223) dengan memanaskan sebatan krim ringan dan gaulkan gula perang yang tinggal bersama telur kuning . panaskan whisky dalam krim yang masih panas sehingga kastard terbentuk, kemudian menambahkan perisa (jus lemon dan alcohol berperisa epal, sekiranya menggunakan). Biarkan sejuk.

        Masukkan dalam ke dalam tengah epal, membiarkan sebatan krim berat sehingga mengembang tetapi masih lembut dan dapat dumasukkan dalamnya, jangan membiarkan terlalu beku seperti yang diterangkan di muka surat 223.


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